If You Thought That J-Vloggers Couldn’t Be Any More Retarded, Then Think Again.

If You Thought That J-Vloggers Couldn’t Be Any More Retarded, Then Think Again.

Mr Silly Old Dude, who thinks that owing a nuclear weapon equates to owning a gun, and who thinks that Lincoln is a founding father, you know the man. Well friends, he has more to say about controlling speech on the internets.

In his most recent video, he talks about problems he faces when he puts up videos of places that he frequents. What he says is that if he puts up a video of a small place that he and his friends frequent, and someone on Youtube recognizes it ‘that’s understandable’ however he believes that if he doesn’t want that information (ie what the place is, where it is in Japan etc) out there, then that’s somehow ‘his choice’, and others shouldn’t identify it.


‘Mr Silly Dude’ I’ve seen your grade school arguments about guns, and your ideas of free speech (ie blocking anyone you disagree with or don’t like), and I’ve also seen your ass-face, because let’s face it friend, you aint the most handsome guy over 50 are you, but now this?

You don’t want people commenting on where a place is, when you put it on Youtube? You think that’s too much free speech for you?

How about this for an idea? If you don’t want people linking, sharing or commenting on a video of your ‘secret special place’. How about not fucking putting it on the world wide Internet?

I think the problem is that you think you are special. You think that other shouldn’t have the right to comment on the world, but only you can, and in a way that will restrict others. You block people you disagree with. Im a mild mannered and well reasoned gentleman friend, and you even blocked me. Should I play your card and pretend that Im some guru that knows best and block people I disagree with? No friend, that would be the act of a controlling person now wouldn’t it? You looked in the mirror lately? Friend, I don’t censor no comments, that’s the Tokyo Joe guarantee right there.

Take your views about guns and free speech, and crawl back into the cave where you came from friend. Your views are contrary to those of right minded people who wish to be able to express themselves freely without having self-appointed censors like you controlling what is said and not said on the internets.

Take care friend.

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