Cloud Atlas, Yellow Face, Danny Choo, Anime Movies and Other Goings On.

Cloud Atlas and the Yeller Face Issue. Yeah, that's right. The Yellow Face thing.

Friends, there are more issues than just the yeller face issue in Cloud Atlas. The film is thought provoking on many levels. There are gender identity issues too, which in many respects stand out in the film more than the racial issues. There’s gay sex too, but that didn’t offend me. Neither did the suicide parts. But what is race anyway? I am a white man in Tokyo Town. I face the issue of not being Japanese. I will never be Japanese, nor do I want to be. I’m not here to change their culture. Influence it sure. What hasn’t the west done in the last 70 years, or 150 years to influence J Culture? There aint much friends. It has done a lot. And they sure have done a lot for us too friends. But let’s talk about this wonderful film. There are not just yeller face issues, but K Face (that’s Korea Face), P Face (that’s Polynesia Face), and white face issues. In fact, I’ll tell you about a white face issue right now. In Tokyo Hands, you can buy yourself a white man costume for Halloween or your house warming party. Either way friends, a white man costume is a white man costume. And I aint offended. Heck, next Halloween I might even buy myself a white man costume and go as a white man dressed up as a white man. It would be fun. But there’s another issue in the film Atlas Cloud. How about an actor from Australia dressing up as a German? Is there a G face issue (that’s German face)? If I put on a German lederhosen and start doing the chicken dance at Oktoberfest, and start yellin’ out German beer phrases, and eating the sausages and drinking the beer like a German, will there be a problem? Will the Germans get upset and start saying that I am a G Face racist? I sure hope not friend, because I do this every month or so for my beautiful Miss Yamada when she comes over to the apaato dressed up like Little Snow White. We sure have our fun friends. And let me tell you something about this Cloud Atlas film. I know the Danny Choo fans around the world are gonna love this film. Why? Well because Tokyo Joe understands that one of the plots in the film (Neo Seoul, 2144 – Old Seoul is apparently underwater) resembles a live action anime plot. And actually, I aint no otaku, but I kind of liked it. It was like Jesus in woman form meets Akira meets Blade Runner meets the Island by Michael Bay meets Soylent Green. And that my friends blows my mind. It was real clever.

**** YEAH

But this is the one where the people are going on in the IMDB forums about the yeller face. And I do not understand it. Shouldn’t it be called K face? And why is an actress from Chinaland dressing up and pretending to be a Korean? Isn’t this K face stuff racism, pure and simple. I sure know a lot of Korean folks who would take offense at say Danny Choo, or another person from Chinaland dressing up or pretending to be a Korean. But we all know Choo dresses up as a Stormtrooper – and aint the Stormtroopers all white? They sure sound white in the movies friend. So who does Darth Vader feel about all this? Or Grand Moff Tarkin? Or Palpatine? Or the Trekkies? How do the Japanese feel about Danny Choo, a man from Chinaland, or somewhere - he's pure Chinaland-person right? - going around Tokyo Town speaking the Japanese? They probably don’t care for the most part. But this yeller face racism nonsense has got to stop. There were white actors dressed up as black, polynesian, and women dressed as men, and men dressed as women,  and straight actors playing gay ones, and who knows - maybe there was even gay ones playing straight ones - and guess fucking what? No one fucking cares. No one. So those of you going on about the yeller face, get a fucking life. We don’t care. We the white folks who put up with the people of the world dressin’ up like white folks, in white face, heck you can even do a cakewalk on my penis, if you are a good lookin’ young woman, and Tokyo Joe will give you a special prize.

Cloud Atlas. It’s got fuck-all to do with yellow face or any other kind of face. And it’s a really amazing movie. And if you are a Danny Choo anime/otaku freak, you will love this movie friends.


  1. Yello face, k face.. wtf are you going on about?
    It has some actors portraying some characters, and instead of having them look normal they wanted to make them look more in tune with the place of action. Chinaland-person wtf dude? Nobody from anywhere else know about these terms, you need to think this globally! Not everybody can tell the difference between Chinese, Korean or Japanese!

    1. K face = Korean face
      Yeller/Yellow face = Yellow Face
      W face = White face
      M face = Mexican face
      Chinaland = PRC
      Cloud Atlas = the greatest fucking movie ever made.

      That global enough for you Sir?

  2. Cloud Atlas = dumbest movie ever

  3. Looks interesting...didn't see any yellow faces??


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